Thursday 4 December 2014

thunder funland

*Bang!* The man died. (Five years later.)All of a sudden lightning struck the old clown who flipped and died painfully. The little girl squeezed her teddy. She  blinked for a milli second. The evil teddy grabbed a knife.The girl died.The security guard locked the building but the evil teddy escaped. The next night the guard and his mate tried to kill the evil teddy. the guard hurt the teddy teddy but the evil teddy came back and killed both guards (1000) years later the year was 2014 a new guard blew up the building but the building came back. The evil teddy teleported the guard to the sky tower. The teddy ruled the world until... Christmas!!! The heroes came. All along the teddy was a kid. The hero saved the kid because  he knew that the kid committed the crimes by accident.